Log In
Ready to sign up? Fill out this form, so you can begin ordering in a couple of days.
Company name*
Best to include full legal registration, such as "Arctic Aurora ApS"
CVR number*
Delivery directions
When would you like to start?*
What day would you like us to start delivering the food?
Who should have a manager account?
Managers can order for other employees and order after the menu is closed. (This can also be added later)
Contact person
General inquiries regarding TIFFIN's service, often an office manager or HR.
Phone number
Email address for invoices
We will send monthly invoices and order information to this email address.
Domains used by the company*
The domain to be opened so employees can register themselves and start ordering. (Domain is normally the latter half of your email address)
If more than one domain is in use, separate them with a comma. For example, ‘maul.is, tiffin.dk’
Anything else?